Introducing Michelle

A country girl at heart. 

Born and raised in Cootamundra, I now reside with my family in Jindera. 

My parents, grandparents and extended family embody the values of hard work, service to others, and loyalty. It is through them that my fierce desire for social justice and equity originates.

Throughout my life I have worked as a teacher, but have also played the role of coach, small business owner and advocate, all of which have required determination and persistence, and have taught me to be solutions-focused.

A quick google search of me will reveal that the last few years have not been easy for our family. After experiencing the horrors of an antiquated legal system I was not happy to sit back and let other children and families experience the same injustice that we did.

Maggie, Michelle, Brent, Rose and Pippa Milthorpe

My response to that experience encompasses the person I am, and the values I represent: if you see something that needs fixing, and you have the capacity to make positive change, you should.

So now I put myself forward as the community-backed independent candidate for Farrer, with the intent of bringing genuine representation back to this electorate. 

I am a relatable and reliable representative of Farrer and I am passionate about equity for regional Australians. 

Former NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet, Rose, Rose, Brent and Michelle.

I am here to listen, to learn and to lead through genuine representation, underpinned by being present and focused on the needs of our community.

Can you support Michelle Milthorpe’s Campaign?

People powered politics - funded by the people, for the people.
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I am committed to genuinely representing and advocating for the constituents of Farrer.

Trust, collaboration, and community consultation are central to my approach. I believe stakeholders should participate equitably in decision-making processes that impact their lives. Despite its size, Farrer faces common issues such as access to healthcare, education, justice, and reliable services and infrastructure.

If I don’t have the answer, my determination will ensure I find someone who does.

The people of Farrer are ready for change, seeking a representative who mirrors their values and lived experiences. The two-party system no longer serves our diverse communities. As your representative, I aim to deliver outcomes that improve lives, working tirelessly on behalf of the people of Farrer, and leading with integrity and compassion.

My commitment to you