Join Michelle Milthorpe’s Volunteer Team!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead

How can you become involved?

Join my team and help me build a brighter future for Farrer! Everyone has something to offer, whether it’s ideas, time, a specific skill set, equipment or a space they’d like to loan the campaign until the election. There are lots of things to do and room for everyone who would like to walk along side me on this journey.

Not sure how you can contribute? That’s okay! Here are some of the things that my team and I are working on - perhaps you will find something below that sparks your interest. If not, register as a volunteer and our Volunteer Team Leader will be in touch soon to discuss your ideas, skills and opportunities with you.

  • Our community activators are leading our Volunteer Hubs. This involves coordinating volunteers, activities and events, as well as liaising with Campaign HQ to foster that sense of connection across our vast electorate.

  • Our Hub Volunteers are doing all sorts of things! They are currently collating data and researching issues the community has told us are important, running market stalls, handing out postcards and working together on merchandise development. They will also be door knocking and handing out how to vote flyers as the election draws nearer.

    Our team is always open to new ideas - so please come along and share your thoughts!

  • Our freelancers are those volunteers with a special skill like photography, graphic design, data entry, accounting, legal, fundraising, event management, training, IT skills, etc. Their expertise are applied across the whole team to support the goals for each hub. This might not involve a regular time commitment, instead, leaning towards more specific task-based commitments.

  • Perhaps getting involved via your phone or laptop is more your speed? I'd love to have your support to help us spread the word about what we are doing through liking, commenting and sharing our social media content across your networks regularly.

  • Time poor? Want to help but don't know when and how you can fit it in your schedule? That's okay!

    We welcome the chance to connect with you, invite you to our volunteer events, and include you on any volunteer call-outs we make. You don't have to do everything to do something. Every single little bit helps!

Join Michelle’s Team!

Whether you know exactly what you bring to the table, or you just know you want to do “something” for a better future in Farrer, sign up and you’ll find your place with us - there’s something for everyone to do!

Can you support Michelle Milthorpe’s Campaign?

People powered politics - funded by the people, for the people.
Your donation will make a difference!