Welcome to Farrer

Farrer is 126,590 square kilometres.
There are 119,364 voters enrolled to vote in Farrer.
Farrer has been rated demographically as "rural", meaning the majority of enrolled voters live outside of metro and provincial cities.

^ Cobb Highway, Black Swamp Rest Area, Booroorban, 2710

Named in honour of William James Farrer (1845-1906), a notable wheat breeder and experimentalist, our electorate spans an awe-inspiring 126,590 square kilometres spanning southern New South Wales. Farrer brings together a patchwork of regional centres, towns, and rural expanses.

It’s a place where distance isn’t a divider but a source of strength, drawing together communities across 18 local government areas in a shared spirit of resilience and neighbourly connection.

^ Canola Fields near Walbundrie

Here, farming is not just a livelihood; it’s a way of life. Picture golden fields of canola and wheat, green vineyards soaking up the sun, and orchards heavy with fruit. You’ll find sheep grazing in expansive paddocks, cattle dotting the horizon, and a bounty of crops from rice to citrus, cotton and olives. Such diversity.

Farrer is home to a vast agribusiness economy. The region supports a whole industry of processing, packaging, and distribution, making sure that the farm-to-table journey is as fresh and local as possible. Cheese, wine, fruit juices, meats and grains—it’s all made here, close to home, by the hands of skilled workers who understand the land and the magic it can produce.

From the vibrant heart of Albury, to the multicultural centre of Griffith, to towns dotted along the majestic Murray and the sweeping agricultural plains that seem to roll on forever, Farrer is a land of much diversity.

Every inch of Farrer has its own unique character but all with one thing in common: a love of the land. And oh, what land it is! The fertile plains of Farrer make it one of the most productive agricultural regions in the state.

^ Murray River, Corowa NSW 2646

As different as our communities might seem, we’re united by something simple and enduring: a sense of place.

It’s the shared experience of living in wide-open spaces, under big skies, where the air is clean and the sunsets are pure poetry.

A collective of proud, determined, and connected communities bound by the strength of the land and the people who love it.

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